Monday, September 25, 2006

Feeling left out.

  Last night while sitting on the throne I pick up a magazine called Providence. I don't know where it came from, my wife's always picking up free reading material for our library next to the toilet.  Flipping Thur I realized that all the advertisements were from store, restaurants and other establishment I can't afford to patronize. Where the hell is this Providence? That must be the other Providence where the rich people live. Maybe it's in Massachusetts.
   You know, every where you look in the news paper, magazines, on TV, The advertisements go after upper income people. You never see an advertisement aimed at us average people. Why don't Stop and Shop advertise, FOR 2 DAYS ONLY, ALL DENTED CAN GOODS  50% OFF OUR ALREADY REDUCED PRICE.
    You could even have used car sales, TASCA FORD'S COLUMBUS DAY SALE 90% OFF THE AUTO'S WE TAKE IN TRADE AND USUALLY SEND TO THE JUNK YARD. Now that my kind of sale.
     I don't know about you but I kinda take offense by some of the advertisements that make it sound like, buy this car for ONLY $599 a month. Hell if I had an extra $599 at the end of any month I buy a car at Tasca Columbus day sale and fill my oil tank, pay the electric bill and go to target to buy a winter coat but I guess to some people paying $599 a month for a vehicle that gets 8 miles to a gallon is done just because they can. 
    Well I guess advertisement are like tax cuts. If you don't make enough to pay taxes you don't need one. I think I'll go check out our library now and see if she got any new free reading material.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Devil or no Devil?

       I can't believe all the talk about Chavez calling Bush the DEVIL, my goodness. How dare he? Mr Bush, our president, the DEVIL? Lets see if he has a case. Mr Bush took us to Afghanistan after 911, that was good, right? That a+1 for George. He took us to Iraq, before finishing in Afghanistan, on lies, bad intelligence where we have lost 3,000 soldiers and who knows how many wounded not to mention the  thousands of Iraqi civilians who have been killed and wounded. Oh, that's not good, give George a -10. That was really bad, George.
He sat back and supported Israel while they rocketed the hell out of  Lebanon, killing who know how many civilians and really pissed off all the Muslim people of the middle east, who already hate us. That's another - 5 for George.Not looking good for George, Lets see we need something good for George. Let me think, How about, no that only helped the rich and put us a trillion dollars in debt. Hum, I don't know, my brains starting to hurt. I'm not used to this thinking stuff. I know, he presented the medal of honor to the son of Sgt Paul Ray Smith, Remember him, I didn't think so but it was a kind gesture even if it was politically motivated. We'll give him a +2, Lets see that's +3 for Good and -10 for bad things he's done.Does that make George the Devil? I don't know if it's fair to the devil. OH, by the way Sgt Paul Ray Smith was killed in 2003 at Bagdad airport where he died saving the lives of his own men, remember it was on the news?.

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

In the news, Charvez recieves a message and Pope appoligies again.

   In the news, the president of Venezuela reported that last night he recieved a message from the Devil who he said was very upset after hearing he was being compared to George Bush at the United Nations. Charvez stated that the devil wants a public appoligy to be given at the U.N. and stated that George Bush was a good plan that went bad.
    In other news, the Pope today made an other appoligy to the moslum community. In his appoligy the Pope stated that he was really,really sorry and said pretty please, with sugar on it forgive me. After which according to our reliable source, he was heard saying, Screw them if they can't take a joke.

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006


     I just paid $3.69 for a gallon of milk. Can you believe that? That must be some good damn milk. Can't wait to try it. Maybe it's magic milk. Hell if a goose can lay a golden egg a cow should be able to give magic milk. How do people with kids do it? It's almost cheeper to give them beer and they'd sleep a lot better at night. Hell When I was in the navy I had beer and Cheerios's a few time. You know its not that bad, in fact after the first six bowls it's damn good.
     There something wrong when a gallon of milk cost more than a gallon of gas.If they could make gas from grass it would be $1.00 a gallon. Come to think of it a cow does make gas from grass.Don't ever stand in back of one when its being milked. WOOW!!! Too bad we can't bottle it. Moo Gas, utterly fantastic.Makes you car really moove.
      I'd like to know how do you get a cow to give 2% milk or 1%milk. Does anyone really know what percent whole milk is or percent of what? May be we shouldn't know. They say it's the percentage of fat but is it really? Maybe it's some secret ingredient that makes people drive crazy, just look at our high ways. Maybe it make people write Email about things as stupid as milk and go on and on and on. I think I should stay away from milk and go back to beer.It's a lot more fun.    .

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Monday, September 18, 2006

What's going on?

      What the hell is going on in the world today? The pope make some statement about Moslem's and they get their shorts in a bunch, kill a Nun and fire bomb five churches. HELLO, Islam is a religion not a gang in the hood.Not that there's any thing wrong with gangs in the hood, don't want to piss( Did I say piss, oops) anyone off..Anyways I can't believe any god would condone violence in his or her name, You never know god might be a woman, Anywho, like I said. What's going on? It has to be George Bush's fault. I'd like to listen in on some of the conversations he has with his father. Hello, oh hi dad. I'm sorry,  I know you told me not to start a war with Saddam because it would make a big mess and we'd get stuck in the middle of a civil war. Yea, I know I'll never learn. Next time I promise I'll listen. Is Mommy there? Hi Mommy, Daddy's mad. He yelled at me, again.Thanks Mommy, you always make me feel better.
      Back to what I was talking about, where was I? Oh yea. I just couldn't give up a chance to bust on George, it's so easy.OK, I have to hand it to the Moslem's, they can get thousand of people to march in a protest in no time. It's only been a few day since the pope gave his speech and they've been protesting all over the world. How do they do that? They must have some net work. You could never get that many Christians together with such short notice. Hell, it would interfer with the weekly Bingo night, and the pot luck suppers. Could you image Christians trying to getting a protest going OK, Mary I'll call Mable and Sue, you call Joann and Carol. We'll meet at Dunkin Donuts at 9ish, I have a coupon for a free Latte 
     Well I think I'd better end here, now that I've probably got every Muslim, Christian and brothers in the hood out looking for me. Not to mention the fact that the CIA, FBI  and the secret service are probably checking out my Emails. Where's people's sense of humor today, lighten up. Life's too short to get your shorts in a bunch, I hate it when that happens, over something so foolish.

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Saturday, September 16, 2006


     In the news, the Rhode Island state police have announced a new pilot program to catch speeders on state high ways. Acording to their spokesperson the state police will be setting out camers in what will appear to be road kills. That's right, camera's will be placed in what will appear to be a dead skunk, rabbit or possum. These cameras will take pictures of license plates and be able to record your speed. The state police will then mail out tickets to the violators. Fines will be one hunderd  dollars for every ten miles over the speed limit.
    A spokesperson for the SPCA stated that they object to the use of what will appear to be dead animals because people may try to run over animals thinking the will be destroying a camera and getting away without a fine.
    In other news, The Pope today said his remarks about Mosley was completely in appropriate and says he was sorry for his remarks. According to a reliable source, who was standing behind the Pope, the Pope had his fingers crossed the whole time and was heard stating afterwords, Do you think that will stop their winning ?  

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Friday, September 15, 2006

      There seems to be some confusion in Washington these days. One point of issue is the war in Iraq. Is it a civil war or not? Lets take a look at it. Who are we fighting? I guess our soldiers are being killed by insurgents, who ever they are, and the Iraqi people are killing each other so I guess our soldiers are at war and the Iraqi's are having a civil war. This means if we pull out they just have a civil war and that's Iraqs problem. 
      The other issue is torture of terrorist prisioners. What constitutes torture? Physical pain, humiliation, sleep depervation, I guess it depends on the prisioneer. How would you interigate a person who you knew was involved in planning a terrorist attack like 911? Would humiliation be considered torture if it meant saving thousands of lives? How about physical pain? What would be allowed? I can see the presidents point on this one. UNBELIEVABLE, DON'T TELL ANYONE. You have to understand that we are engaged with and enemy who plays by his own rules. I guess I'd have to say I have no sympathy for people who kill American soldiers and civilians. A lot of these people if that's what you call them have been taught since they were born to hate and believe it's ok to kill in the name of their religion and can never be taught any different.What do you do with these people?
      With election time around the corner, our politicians are putting votes ahead of the war. T he Republicans are running scared and the Democrats are trying to show that they have answers even though they don't have a clue on what to do with the war.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

In the news.

       In the news, the Reynolds tobacco Co today announced that they will be producing a new product, O.P.B.'s. That's right, cigarettes made from other peoples butt's. A spokesperson for the tobacco co. stated that they plan to put recycle buckets out side public places where people smoke and collect the used butts. The tobacco from the butts will be cleaned and rolled into new cigarettes. The O.P.B.'s will sell for about ten dollars a carton and should be available next spring.
      In other news, President Bush announced to day that he plans to put note pads in all the rest rooms of his advisers so they can write down all their word of wisdom while waiting for things to start happening. The president stated that he gets some of his best ideas while sitting on his throne. he stated, take the Iraq war for instance. That idea came to me after a BBQ, at my ranch in Texas after I won a bet with Dick Channey and ate a gallon of fire house chilli.
     Donald Rumsfeld will be responsible for going to the rest rooms to collect the words of wisdom and presenting the to the president who will go over them to see what goes thru his advisers heads while waiting for mother nature to do her job..

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

In the news

       In the news, Congress today called for the official dictionary to get the real definition of the term Civil War. According to our reliable source, the Republican and Democratic dictionary's have completely different definitions, in fact the Republican dictionary has some words blacked out, like the word mistake which the president says should never be used.To clear things up and to help define the war in Iraq. the speaker of the house has called for the official dictionary of Congress over the objections of some republicans..
        In other news, to commemorate Sept,11th a TV cable channel will replay all the events of the terrorist attack on the twin towers in New York. When asked why their spokesperson stated To show the American people how much safer we are to day, besides election time is around the corner and the republicans need help pushing their war on terror after stating that Iraq is an important part of their war on terror besides there's a lot of sick people out there that would actually watch it. 

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Trying to save face

     I''ve been watching some of the Senates debate over Donald Rumfeld. The Democrats want his resignation and the Republicans are standing by Mr Rumsfeld.Maybe it's me but all but a few of these senators voted to give our president the power to go to war and now that we're in a mess, one that could have been predicted even before the first shot was fired Now that election time is around the corner, they are trying to save face and the political games begin.
    Donald Rumsfeld should have resign a long time ago, along with a lot of other people, like the people who's responsibility was to gather intelligences before the war began but it's too late, and the damage has been done. Our credibility in the world has never been so low and our soldiers are caught in the middle of a civil war. Does finger pointing, playing political games help? You know Mr Rumsfeld is not going anywhere and the president has said that we will be in Iraq as long as he is president. What does that tell you? He has no idea how to solve the mess he got us into and his republican supporters are going right along with him.Staying the course is their plan. 
     If your driving off a cliff, staying the course may not be the answer. Stop, and look over the situation and decide if that's the direction you should be going. Maybe changing direction would be a better choice. Pointing fingers does not help the situation, stopping before you get to the edge is a good first step, if you decide staying the course is the thing to do go ahead and drive over the edge.  

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Apply now.

      Today we are pleased to announce, for a short period only, the open enrollment of the A - Holes of America. If aggravating people just comes naturally, have no regard for other people, think you know every thing about every thing then this is the organization for you.
     Yes, now is the time to apply for enrollment to one of the most prestigious organization in America. You will be included with some of the most powerful and famous people in the world.. The president of Iran, Donald Rumsfeld. and George Bush just to name a few.
      To apply for enrollment simply go to A - Holes of and fill out our application,  give the names and telephone numbers of 10 people who can verify your qualifications as a true A - Hole then sent $99.99 application fee. Your applicatin  will be reviewed by our A- Hole experts and you will be notified if you qualify to be a true certified A - Hole with in 7 business days or when your check clears then with in a few short days you will receive your very own official tee shirt in the mail which reads,
                                     CERTIFIED A - HOLE OF AMERICA
                                               AND PROUD OF IT !!!
     You with also receive a subscription to A - Holes monthly which has article like The president of Iran gives the world a high noon moon over his countries nuclear program. It also has a section on tips on being a true A - Hole, like double parking, blocking traffic, to run in a store for a pack of gum.
     So apply now before time runs out. That's A - Hole of and be certified as a true A - Hole.

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Happy Labor Day.

       Well tomorrow is labor day, A day to honor the workers of America. Today, if you listen to our politicians the only job that count are White Collar high paying jobs. They pass tax cuts hoping to attract companies like Fidelity and G Tech to our state. When was the last time you heard of a tax cut to draw a manufacturing company with average paying job to our state?  Our politicians seem to think only job that require college degrees are worth going after. The truth is that it is the average middle and low income workers that keep the state running. We pay the same sales tax, real estate taxes, state income tax as the upper income workers. The price of gas and heating oil is not adjusted according to income.
      It's not only a state issue, our politicians in Washington pass tax cuts for the rich, sign trade agreements that send our job over seas. Go in any store and try to find a product the is made in the United States. Good Luck.. The production of all these products are job that have left our country. The money you pay for these products create jobs for our workers, it goes to to the companies that sent our job over seas and the people that make these products are being exploited.
      We need to do is let our politicians know that we control the vote and we're not going to vote for people who don't surport the blue collar working people in our country  
      So happy Labor Day to all you low and middle income blue collar workers who do all rhe job that keep our country running. Keep up the good work.  

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Friday, September 01, 2006

Words of wisdom from papa d

      Well it's back to school for the little kiddies. By now most parents have gone out to buy those back to school clothes. Yea, the low rider jeans, mini skirts. hundred dollar sneakers but are thees the type of clothes that should be worn in school or did you by them because that's what all the kids wear? Lets face it, if I'm a twelve year old boy with raging hormones and there's a girl in a mini skirt sitting across from me, I could have the best teacher in the world in front of the class, I'm not going to hear a word she says.
     Today our choices for our kids are being guided by the music videos they watch. Remember, you old people, Duck tail hair cut, side burns, slicked back hair during those Elvis days. Today though our kids are bombarded with sex and violence from music video and video games. It's on TV, at the movies. Go on the computer sometime. Any one can get into porno sites, even your twelve year old kids. How many parent sit down with their kids and watch these videos and say, change the channel t hat not what you should be watching, not very many. How many parents listen to the music they listen to, they'd be shocked by some of the messages they're sending our kids.
      More than ever today parents have to get involved with their kids and the things they are involved in, Be a parent, exert your authority. Your not a bad parent if you decide that some music or videos are not what you want your kids to see or hear, it's your job. Your kids may not like it but not all jobs are easy, hopefully someday they'll understand why you did it. Maybe when they have kids of their own. Remember, what goes around comes around. Someday they'll be in your shoes and will have to make these decisions for their own kids. If you do your job t.hey will be able to do theirs and make the tough decisions for their kids.

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