Sunday, September 03, 2006

Happy Labor Day.

       Well tomorrow is labor day, A day to honor the workers of America. Today, if you listen to our politicians the only job that count are White Collar high paying jobs. They pass tax cuts hoping to attract companies like Fidelity and G Tech to our state. When was the last time you heard of a tax cut to draw a manufacturing company with average paying job to our state?  Our politicians seem to think only job that require college degrees are worth going after. The truth is that it is the average middle and low income workers that keep the state running. We pay the same sales tax, real estate taxes, state income tax as the upper income workers. The price of gas and heating oil is not adjusted according to income.
      It's not only a state issue, our politicians in Washington pass tax cuts for the rich, sign trade agreements that send our job over seas. Go in any store and try to find a product the is made in the United States. Good Luck.. The production of all these products are job that have left our country. The money you pay for these products create jobs for our workers, it goes to to the companies that sent our job over seas and the people that make these products are being exploited.
      We need to do is let our politicians know that we control the vote and we're not going to vote for people who don't surport the blue collar working people in our country  
      So happy Labor Day to all you low and middle income blue collar workers who do all rhe job that keep our country running. Keep up the good work.  

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