Monday, August 14, 2006

In the news, inspection at the beaches

    In the news, The Department of Enviormental Management reported today that Rhode Island beaches are slowly disappearing and turning up in Connecuit.
   According to authorities people from Connecuit dressed as tourist are going to Rhode Island beaches and removing the sand in their shoes and pockets, some have gone so far as to hiding the sand between their toes and in their butt cracks, bringing it back to Connecuit and depositing it on their shores to create new beaches to increase the real estate value of their homes. 
   The DEM spokesperson stated that starting Saturday August 19th Sand Police will be stationed at all state beaches to ensure that no sand is removed from the beaches. All items will be checked and anyone caught taking sand will be held up by their ankles and shaken to be sure no sand is in their hair or on their clothing. So if you plan on going to the beach on Saturday August 19th plan on leaving a little earlier to allow time for an inspection by the Sand Police.

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