Sunday, July 02, 2006

BREAKING NEWS, Uncle Sam lit up.

     BREAKING NEWS, Uncle Sam  was admitted to Newport Naval Hospital today for minor facial burns. According to the reports Uncle Sam was in Newport,R.I. for an Independence Day celebration. During the celebration a huge birthday cake was brought out with 230 candles on it. The accident accrued when Uncle Sam tried to blow out the candles. When he leaned over to blow out the candles his beard caught fire and was put out with a picture of beer.
     According to authoress, Uncle Sam was warned not to attempt the blow out but insisted on going Thur with his attempt to get into the record books for blowing out the largest number of candle on one cake with one breath. The trouble came when he leaned across the cake in an attempt to get the candle on the far side and a candle which was over looked lit up Uncle Sam's beard. Luckly for him Donald Rumsfeld was there with a picture of bear to put him out.
    Hospital spokesperson stated that Uncle Sam was treated and released and should be in Washington D.C. on the 4Th for his second attempt. 

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