Wednesday, June 14, 2006

tax cut

    Little People of Rhode Island, get your umbrella's ready. We're about to be trickled on.The new state's budget includes a tax break for those who make over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year. That's $250,000, like they really need it.  Don't you hate it when that happens. They get richer and we get trickled on. Maybe you'll feel better if you think of it this way. They're at the top of the hill and we're at the bottom and you know what runs down hill, yea, DO DO. That's pretty crappy so a little trickle now and then isn't too bad as long as you keep your umbrella handy. 
    I think I figured it out. We don't make enough money to pay taxes we can't get a tax cut so the only solution is they'll have to stop trickling on us and give us a good soaking.
    What gets me is they come out with these Tax exempt accounts, like for college and retirement accounts so we can say, remember, Honey, we don't eat Thursday, we need to put twenty dollars into Junior college fund and these law makers think they're doing us a favor. HELLO, IF I DON'T MAKE ENOUGH TO GET A TAX CUT, WE CAN PUT MONEY AWAY FOR JUNIORS COLLEGE FUND AND WE'LL PROBABLY WORK TILL WE DIE SO WHO'S WORRIED ABOUT RETIREMENT!!!!!!!

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