Sunday, June 04, 2006

Irans wepons of mass distruction

        Why is the United States so worried about Irans nuclear program when Iran already has Weapons of mass dist ruction. These weapons are the weapons they are supplying to the insurgents who are killing our soldiers and the Iraqi civilians every day. If George is so interested in going to war with Iran he could use that as excuse. Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism in the world.
         How can we stop terrorist attacks if we don't confront the countries that are supplying them weapons. Who is supplying these weapons to Iran? How about Russia and china? They are flooding the world with these weapons of mass dist ruction. Ever see a Somalian who can't afford shoes firring of hundreds of rounds of ammunition? I bet that a Russian AK 47in his hands but we would never confront Russia and China so we pick on Iran and their nuclear program who's technology probably comes from Russia.
         The cold was is never ended when the Berlin wall came down, it still going on and we're loosing.

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