Sunday, May 28, 2006

Under geat stress

     In the paper this morning was an article about some marines that killed 14 Iraqi civilians, actually there were more but the men were considered as insurgents. Sound familiar ? If you were around during in the Vietnam era, remember Mia Lie?
     Our soldiers are being killed by an enemy with no face. He could be any Iraqi, male or female. Our soldiers know that people in these neighborhoods know who's setting these roadside bombs and they won't tell either because they're afraid of the insurgents or they dislike the Americans. It was bound to happen sooner or later considering the stress these men are under.
     What makes this war different from Vietnam is that it's being fought by a volunteer army. During Vietnam there was a draft and most who served there only spent a year and was rotated out. In Iraq, some of our soldiers have been there two or three time and a large number of them are National Guard who are suppose to be part time, which adds to the stress because they have to worry not only about their families but their jobs as well.How many time can you tell your employer ,I've been activated again, see you in a year?
     So this Memorial Day let not just remember those who have passed on, lets also remember those who are doing more than their fair share and hope none of them will be added to the list to be remembered next Memorial Day.

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