Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Happy Mothers Day

   Well Mothers day is just around the corner and it's time to wish some mothers a happy Mothers day. Happy Mothers Day to the CEO of Exxon for raising the price of gas so high I can't afford to go to work, to the guy who drives in back of me, while talking on the cell phone, when I'm trying to back out of a parking space, to  Wall Mart that sold me fertilizer and grass seed that never came up, not one blade, To the guy at the movie theater who charges $5 for 50 cents worth of pop corn and $3 for a Coke, to the State Trooper who passed me doing 75mph while a tow truck, with a car in tow, passed me on the right when the speed limit was 50 mph and last but not least to the Governor who want to balance the budget on the backs of us, State Employee's.
   If I missed any one you can add your favorites to the list and send it back. We all have our own special mother we can't forget on mothers day.     

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