Monday, April 03, 2006


    Who won the war? We've been in Iraq over 3 years and they still have no government. Where is the oil money that was surpose to pay for their reconstruction? We've lost over 2,000 people and our president says it will be up to the next president to decide when our troops can come home.
  Sadam may be on trail but he must be laughing at us every day to see the mess George Bush got us into. He know that everyday we are there the weaker our country gets. How long can we keep spending 2 billion dollars a month  before we go bankrupt? We have the biggest defiect in our history and forign countries are buying our debt and the new budget cuts most social program to helppay for this war, so who really wins?
   You know that Iran is taking advantage of the situation too. They know that we can not fight another war, we don't have the man power or the money and they know that Europe will never surport a war. Why do you think they are developing Nuclear Wepons and testing missles.They are just waiting for us to give up in Iraq or do something stupid like bombing some of their Nuclear facillities and they'll hit Isreal and move right into Iraq. Who's going to stop them?
    So who really won, George Bush looks more like a looser every day.     

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