Sunday, March 19, 2006

Happy Aniversary

   Well I guess we've been in Iraq for 3 years now with almost 3,000 of our fine people killed,not to mention the thousands of Iraqi men women and children that have died . Happy Anniversary!!. I see this week we gave the the Iraqi forces a little Field training exercise, Operation Swarmer. I think it was more for show than anything else. Our government wanted to show us how improved they are and to show they'll be able to secure their country soon so we can pull out. 
   I see we're going to hold talks with Iran about Iraq. I'd like to hear what's said at that meeting. We'll probably ask Iran to cool it for a while so it will look like the Iraqi's can secure their country and we can pull out and when their new government falls we can say we gave them every chance. Not our fault.
   Why is our country the only one that tries to push our way of life on other countries? In Vietnan we were stopping the spread of Communism, their Communist now and not doing too bad in fact Communist China produces just about everything we buy and we let them buy up our debt. Imagine we spend so much money we need to go to other countries for help and what did our fearless leaders do this week, you got it they raised our debt limit. Brilliant! That's another reason we have to get out of this war, we can't afford it. I'm sure our great grand kids will think this war was worthwhile as they try to pay for it. They'll say thanks great grand pa for leaving us 8 trillion dollar of debt.
    I'm sure George Bush is looking back on the high lights of the last 3 years, the shock and awe, at the start the war, watching Saddam's statue coming down, landing that fighter jet on the air craft carrier and declaring MISSION ACCOMPLISHED !!!! and wondering , WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED????

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