Monday, March 06, 2006


    Well the number is 2,300, not the lottery number although it could be considered a type of lottery. This is the lottery nobody wants to win. It's the number of our military people, I won't call them soldiers because that term distance them from what they really are, PEOPLE. 2,300 Names nobody will remember. Sure their families will never forget them but most of us will never even know who they were, yet our government tell our young military people it's a great honor to die for their country.
     Did they really die for our country or are they dieing for our president and his gang, Cheney and Rumsfeld? What was our reason for going to war in the first place? WMD's, there were none. Saddam's nuclear weapons, none. Democracy or civil war? You can't bring democracy to people who are more interested in revenge and power than freedom.
    Are the Iraqi people better off now than the were under Saddam? Maybe the Kurds are, they're the only one that you never hear about but they don't really want to be part of Iraq anyways.
    Who are our military people dieing for then? They are dieing for a country who's people are killing each other, including their own women and children. No one is exempt from their bombs. Is that who our people should be dieing for?
     By the way, it's been almost 1 year since our president presented a military persons son with the Congressional Medal Of Honor, What was the military persons name? To find out look under Medal Of Honor, April 2005.

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