Saturday, February 11, 2006

In the news, secret tape revealed

   In the news, on a pre war secret tape from the Oval office, obtained by a confidential source, Vice President Channey can be heard taunting the President in to go to war in Iraq. He can be heard saying, Sadam is telling everyone that you don't have the balls to attack Iraq. He says your a girly boy like your old man. He told Putun you'll never find his weapons of mass distruction.
  The President can be heard saying, he said what? I'll show him who's got balls. OK  Dick lets kick his A#@, and when it's over I'll be a hero. I know, I'll fly a fighter jet on to an aircraft carrier and declare victory. That'll show him who's got balls. 
   When asked how he would justify the war to the American people the president stated, we'll tell them he has weapon of mass distruction and when we don't find any we'll say we're bringing democracy to the middle east, you know they'll believe anything we tell them once our troops are commited.
   A spokesperson for the White House denies the tape even exists. When asked the spokesperson responded, Of coarse he has balls.Don't ask me how I know.
   In other news, Valentines day is just around the corner and Hallmark and Hershey Chocolate has combind to make an eatable Chocolate Valentines Day card so you can tell her you love her and after you get what you want ha ha, you can eat your words and deny everything.

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