Tuesday, December 27, 2005


   Why is it that, when President Bush admits he took us to war on bad information, nobody cares, in fact his popularity goes up.Maybe he should admit to all his other mistakes, if that's what they were, and take responsibility for them, he could be the most popular president we've ever had.
    Why is it that,people got upset about some stores replacing  the word Christmas with Holiday Season, when every Christmas present they bought was made in communist China who is replacing American jobs with slave labor and nobody cares.
     Why is it that, every war needs a hero like SGT Paul R Smith but a week after his son accepts his Medal of Honor for him, nobody can remember his name. I bet you don't know who he is. Look up Medal of Honor on your computer and find out. I'll give you a hint, look under April 2005. but you can check out some of the other hero's while you're there.
    Why is it that, parents would never let their 12 year old kid watch pornography but they let then buy music CD's that would make a sailor blush and gangster rap that promotes violence, some music video's on TV are one step short of porn, take a look or a listen, if you care about what your kid's are doing.
   Why is it that, when the price of gas went up to $3.00 a gallon, people were still going 80mph down the high way while complaining about the price and the auto makers are still pushing their big, high powered ,car that get low gas millage, and people are still buying them even though the price of gas can only go up
   There's a lot of Why is it that's but I guess the answer is that people can adapt to just about anything and things that once was unacceptable if repeated enough become normal after a while. What is normal anyways?

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