Saturday, December 03, 2005

   In the news, Donald Rumsfeld has revealed to the American people another piece of misimformation. At a news conference he revealed that the name Insergents is the wrong name for the people attacking our troops in Iraq. He stated that it hit him sudenly that we've been useing the wrong name all along. He also stated that he didn't know the correct name but that he will look it up and come up with the correct term when he find his War for Dummy's book.  
   The vice president responded, no wonder we're in such a mess, we've been fighting the wrong people, when Mr Rumsfeld finds out who they are we will be able to consentrate on the correct people and end this war.
   Commanders in the feild tell me we can end this thing in ninety day and bring our troops home once we know who these Bastards really are.  
   In other news, Maine Fish and Game authorities have reported that a confused moose has mated with a poose and they now have Moose Pooses blocking trafic on Main street in Bangor. One officer identified as Way Outback stated that they are the weirdes looking creatures he has ever seen and described them as being 2 feet tall with wings and webbed feet curly tails and antlers.The rear of the animal has feathers and the front has fir and it's naked in the middle.
   SGT. Outback said they plan to herd the animals into a truck and take them to Arcadia park to be released into the wild.

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