Thursday, November 24, 2005

In the news.

    In the news, Democrats in congress presented Mr Bush with the Thanksgiving bird, no, not the triditional turkey but the old one finger wave as they headed home for Thanksgiving and vowed they'd be back to continued their attack on his stay the course policy in Iraq and the misimformation given , leading up to the war.
    The Republicans responded by dropping their pants and mooning the Democrats, saying that they surport the president no matter how bad he screws things up..
    In other news, President Bush will be spending Thanksgiving at his Texas Ranch where he will have dinner with a few close friend, the C.E.O.'s of Exxon Mobile, Haliberton, and the king of Saudi. Arabia. On the menu, a home grown turkey from Massachuttes named Teddy with all the fixings.
    Mr Bush had a few words for the American people, He said the American people have a lot to be thankfull for, most of us have a home, some of us have food to eat, a few of our seniors can afford the medicine they need but most of all be thankfull you don't live in Iraq, most Iraqi's have none of this since we distroyed their country.. 

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