Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Happy Veterans Day

   Happy Veterans Day to all of you that were used and abused in the military. You know who you are, all you numbers, you'll never forget your service number. Today I think they use your social security number, in any case you need a number to be in the military. They put it right there on you dog tags, an amazing invention the dog tag, kind of like a score card. They can go around after a battle and identify the dead and notify the families within a few day. kind of speeds things up. very efficient. They also contain other information like blood type, who know you might get wounded, religion, everyone prays before going in to battle even if they don't want  to admit it, who know there might be a god, why take a chance and you might need someone to deliver the last rights, you wouldn't want the wrong rights delivered, you might end up at the wrong door in heaven and you won't know anyone..
   Yea, Friday is veterans day, a day for all the veterans organization to remember their fellow veterans who have past on. There will be speeches, flag placed a grave sites. and the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier, who could forget him? This poor guy paid the ultimate price and no one knows who he is.If he'd been wearing his dog tags there wouldn't be a problem. I bet they needed a hero and in some desk draw in Washington there's a set of dog tags and nobody where the guy is buried.
   Any ways, Happy Veterans Day to my fellow Veteran even though I may not be considered a true veteran by some organizations because I'm against the war in Iraq.

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