Sunday, October 23, 2005

In the News

In the news, Wilma is on a rampage heading for Florida after learning that Fred was having an affair with Barney Rubble. Wilma was heard stating I can't belive it. I could understand if he was fooling around with Betty but Barney, no way. He's not even cute All those years he told me he was going bowling, he was bowling alright. I'm out of here. I'm going to Disney World.
A spokesperson for Governor Bush stated that the governor has been in contact with Wilma asking her to calm down and he can understand he being upset. He was really upset when his father nick named him Jeb. Thats when he left Texas for Florida, and he focused his anger and became governor.
The waether Bureau stated that Jeb's counciling seems to be working, she has gone from a catagory 5 to a 4 overnight and they urge Jeb to keep up the good work.
In other news, scientist announced to day that they have succesfully bred a pig and a goose together to come up with a flying pig called a Poose, so they next time you hear some one say, YEA, WHEN PIGS FLY, watch out and make sure your windshield washer fluid container is full.You might just need it.


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