Saturday, October 29, 2005


2,000 dead but who's counting? Actually there is probably 2,010 by now but it's just a number, the cost of war. If you figure each soldier is insured for probably $100,000 thats $201,000 Now add in the cost of training, clothing, add maybe another 100,000 thats high but who's counting, we're up to $301,000 now. Still a bargain if you figure a fighter jet cost millions of dollars, even a tank cost a few million.
The real cost is not in dollars but in tears and pain of the love ones left behind.Kids that have to grow up with out their fathers, parents that have lost their child, maybe their only child, wives who lost husband. The rest of the country may not even know who they were but their famillies will never forget. Does anyone know the name of the medal of honor winner whos son accepted it for him last April, I didn't think so, but I bet his familly remembers.
The people who keep count are the famillies of the soldiers serving in Iraq. They keep count and pray that their son or daughter don't become a number. They fear every time there's a knock on the door that a servicemen will be standing there with the news nobody wants to hear.
Fighter jets, tanks, and other wepons can be replaced but the only thing that can replace a soldier killed in action is another soldier with a familly ond loved ones at home who are afraid to answer the knock at the door.


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