Tuesday, November 29, 2005


   Sargent Paul Ray Smith, sound familliar? I didn't think so.He was President Bush's Hero. His son accepted the Medal of Honor for him back in April. How soon they forget. I'm sure his familly and close friends remember him. I wonder if Mr Bush remembers his name.
   There are about 2,100 hundred more soldiers who will remain in the hearts of their famillies and friend, Yes, we might have heard their names on the nightly news but we soon forgot them too. Maybe some day they'll get their own wall so their name wiil become part of history.
   Our government has instilled in its people that it's an honor to give your life for our country and that our country goes to war only for the right reasons.. The terrorist have convinced it followers that it's an honor to die for their cause.In the end the names are all forgotten. Years from now someone will be looking at old pictures and ask, who's that and someone will say I think that's Uncle Paul. I think he died in the war, They probably won't even know which war and continue on looking at the pictures.
    The thing is with all the monuments, walls and holidays to honor our dead soldiers, we never learn to ask questions or demand answers before we go to war and only after we loose 2,100 soldiers questions are asked and that's because election time is just around the corner. Why is it that to surport the troops you have to surport the war. Our government lets their dogs loose to discredit anyone one who speeks out against the war. They use the catch all word, UNPATRIOTIC, to discribe the none surporter. I'm a Vietnam Vet and retired from the National Guard and after being used and abused by our government I can say thanks Mr Bush for relieving me of any patriotic feeling I had left. I know how our government uses our soldiers.They are numbers, tools of war to be used to do our governments sometimes dirty deeds. Numbers lost don't matter untill election time and then they are use to sway the voters.
     So the next time your talking to one of those patriotic war surporters ask them who SARGENT PAUL R. SMITH is. Nine out of ten won't know. 

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