Sunday, December 04, 2005

Why is it??

Why is it that every year they start with the Christmas hipe  earlier every year. First you see Christmas decoration at K Mart, Target and Wall Mart, artificial trees and orniments on sale..Hell their selling winter coats in July but they really get going around the end of October, you kmow with the toys and video games, get the kids going to make sure Mom and Dad know what they want, usually some product that been advertised as the best thing since ice cream and all the kids will have them, only they only produced half of what the demand will call for. Now parent have to go crazy to get one, remenber Cabage Patch Dolls and Tickle Me Elmo, and some parent will get up at 5am stand in line with thousands of other parent and pay any price to get one, because god forbid little Jimmy will have to wait a few days to get his video game. You know, after Christmas, around Febuary, the stores won't be able to give the damn things away and little Jimmy has already gotten tired of his and hasn't play with it in weeks..
       After Thanksgiving the real push begins, thats right, Christmas misic. One airing of Holly Jolly Christmas and the money burns holes in your pcokets. Some radio channels play nothing but Christmas music, 24 hours a day. Give me a break. How many times can you listen to White Christmas even if it's somg by every dead celiberity that was popular in the 40's and 50's,but have no fear, on December 26th there won't be a Christmas song to be heard on any channel, like it never existed.
     Yea, Christmas isn't what it used to be. It;s become a day that our ecconomy depends on, a day that could make or break some businesses. The days of Main street, window fronts decorated with orniments and toys like train sets and dolls. A time when things move slowly and Christmas shopping was a time to go down town and meet your nieghbors, exchange holiday greeting and to find that very special gift.Today gifts are usually bought because it's required, Who knows Uncle Harry might show up with a gift so you need one for him just in case, better keep a half dozen cans of cookies on hand for those gift emergencies.As for holiday greetings and things moving slow, today its 80mph down the high way, hey you took my parking place and the holiday greeting can usually be given with one finger.
      I guess Christmas has changed with the times and we made it what it is but it's still a time for famillies to get together. You know like Uncle Harry who only shows up once a year at Christmas because Aunt Clara makes him go, usually with a can of cookies in his hand but what the hell the cookies are good and it;s the thought that counts, right? Sure it is. Besides it;s a day out of work. I could go into Midnight mass but thats another story. Well MERRY CHRISTMAS, by the way what kind of cookies do you like, I may show up on your door step, forget the gift just hand me a Gin and Tonic when I come thru the door and don't forget the lime.

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