Saturday, December 24, 2005

Twas the night before Christmas

   Well it's Christmas eve and if you have any money left your one of the lucky one. I guess by now all the kids should be in be so it's time to get to work wrapping presents and putting toys together, don't even think about sleep, they'll be up in a few hours tearing the paper off all those gifts you just got done wrapping.                   
    By now you just figured out you shouldn't of had that last drink but hang on you can do it, after all who bought all that stuff, maybe a cup of coffee will help or maybe a walk around the house, get some nice cold air, that should help.
    Ok your ready to go. Your wife can wrap while you put the toys together, Honey where's my tools? They're in the draw where you keep them. Dear, have you seen the tape? Look in the closet in the kitchen.
    Now we're ready to go. Direction, who needs directions? It's easy, a 10 year old can put this together, it say right hear on the box. Dear have you seen the scissors? Look in the tool draw.
    Hey this ones almost together, Where does this thing go? Maybe it'll work without it.
    Ok, it's 4am and your finally done, next year we'll do this before Christmas. Lets get some sleep, Ah, that feels good. Oh no, did you hear that? It sounds like the kids are up, Hey go back to bed till the sun come up. Ok, Ok, we're up . Don't open anything till everyone there.
    Now this is nice, All the smiles, kids screaming with joy, kind of makes it all worth while. Can't wait till next year so you can do it all again.
   Hey, Dad this doesn't work. I think there's a part missing.We'll fix it later. 

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