Sunday, December 18, 2005


    Well today I took my annual trip to the mall to get my lovely wife a gift. This year the waether was terrible, the rain on the high way was unbeleivable but it didn't stop people from going 80 mph and of corse there are those that don't know how to come on the high way, you know, your doing 60 in the right lane, mindig your own business and every one's passing you like your standing still and this guy comes down the entrance ramp doing 35 an enters your lane and you have no where to go because the other morons are passing on you at about 80 mph. Yea, my first swear words of the trip just happened to pop out. Two of the big ones and a couple of the little ones.
  Anyways, I get to the mall and find a spot pretty close to the door so I only got a little soaked getting inside. Hey, there's not that many people, must be the weather.Oh well, lets hit the food court first. Hey Toco Bell. I'll get my toco's. Ok, there's an empty table. Let do some people watching. There's a guy with his daughter, nice. There's a lady over there with her son who's been talking on her cell phone since I sat down, not paying any attention to him. She's don't know what she's missing, She could be making good memories to look back on, oh well.
  Lets go shopping. This year I'm going to just walk around and wait for something to reach out and grab me, Hey buy me. Ok here we go . Look at the stuff these people buy, Hey lady, who would wear that? She must be buying that for her mother in law who returns everything  she gives her.Well as long as she has something to open, it's the thought that counts.
   Over there theres a guy holding up a sexy night gown, Yea, he can see her (or him) in it now, just can't wait.It might be a gift for her(or him) but we really know who it's for. Let me try that, Oh, yea. better go before I get in trouble.
   God, I've been walking around this place for 2 hours and nothing looks good, I might have to resort to plan B.  HOLD IT,. there it is, perfect. No, lets go back to the sexy night gown, something for her and me.
   Great, I'm out of here, I can hit some other stores next week and finish but at least I got something we'll both like. 
    Well, I'm out of here, see you next year, MERRY CHRISTMAS
    Oh don't tell Joann she's getting a sexy night gowm 

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