Wednesday, December 21, 2005

In the news.Spending cuts, Elves claim Santa's union busting.

    In the news, the spending bill was passed that cuts most social spending from student aid programs to Medicare but doesn't touch the tax breaks for the rich.  According to President Bush it will do three things, one, it cut spending on social program that only help the poor, two, it will force poor people to do jobs that only illegal immigrants will do now and three, it will force college students to join the military to pay for college. He also stated that not touching the tax cuts for the rich will help create job for the poor because the rich will have to hire people to clean their huge houses, cut their grass , clean their swimming pools and wash their Cadillac's. These are good jobs that pay well, most more than the minimum wage.
    In other news, Santa reported that he intends to lay off his elves after Christmas and subcontract his toy making to a company in China who can make them for a fraction of the cost of elf made toys.He blame his decision on the cost of health benefits, workers compensation insurance and the high cost of energy.
    A spokesperson for the elves union stated that this is just a union busting tactic and they won't stand for it and the reindeer union stated they will surport the elves and they won't deliver toys are not made by elves.  

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