Friday, January 20, 2006

Iran's high noon moon

    You got to hand it to Iran giving the whole world a High Noon Moon over it's nuclear program.They are becomming the super power of the middle east. They control one quarter of the world oil so who going to mess with them? Good old George has us tied up in Iraq and you know no one listens to the U.N. Maybe we should just give every country that wants one a nuclear bomb and hope they don't use it. Oil is the wepon of choice today any ways.Iran is proving that but what do you do if they have both?
     Today on the news was reported the Iran move its money from the european bank to protect itself if sanctions are put on and the price of oil went up to almost seventy dollars a barrel and our stock market dropped over two hundred points. 
     It seems the only way to stop their nuclear program is to go after the people selling them the technology.Maybe that's the answer to all the terrorism, find out where the wepons are comming from and go after them. Did you ever see some guy in Somalia with no shoes and raggy clothes, skinny as a rail, blasting off hundreds of rounds of ammunition from a thousad dollar rifle and wonder where he got it?Who sold it to the guy that gave it to him? Why don't they go after the dealer, BIG BUCKS.
   All these countries condem terrorism in public but in the back rooms they're counting their money laughing all the way to the bank on blood money.

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