Sunday, March 05, 2006


      If you hate walking on those icy sidewalks, those snow covered parking lot. Are you a senior who fear an injury causing fall? Then this instructional video is for you. For just $19.99 you can learn to do the Eskimo Shuffle. That right, the Eskimo Shuffle, a technique of  walking on ice, handed down from generation to generation by Eskimo's elders.
     A study done by the Brittle Bone institute of Paduka, shows that Eskimo's have the lowest rate of injuries cause by falls on ice and snow than any other part of the population studied. Eskimo Seniors have fewer hip replacements than all other  seniors in their study.
   We know spring is just around the corner but if you act now you will also receive a pair of fur lined ear muffs valued at $18.75 and a subscription to Eskimo Monthly where you can learn the art of survival in sub zero temptures, Igloo building. and polar bear wrestling plus by ordering now you'll have all spring and summer to perfect your ice walking technique. When winter arrives and the snow flies you'll have the confidence to get out there to get that bread and milk even if you don't really need it.
    Get those checks in the mail today, supplies are limited. Send your checks to
                                Crapco Industries
                                Anchorage, Alaska.

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