Wednesday, March 22, 2006

In the news, warning from scientist, Rumsfeld, thing are getting better.

    In the news, Scientist have warned fast food restaurants to keep their dumpsters closed to keep Sea Gulls from feeding on their garbage. The scientist state that the fast food the Gulls are eating is making them obese making flight almost impossible in some cases Gull have been seen walking in little jogging suits on high school tracks around the country trying to get back in shape also the increases the amount of methane gas in the atmosphere from Gull flatulance is affecting the Ozone layer.
   In other news, Donald Rumsfeld stated that there is no civil war in Iraq although things are not very civil and there is a war going on there. He also stated that things are going as well as can bee expected see as they have no dictator to keep them in line anymore.He said on big problem is that there is a lack of communication in Iraq because their voices can't be heard over all the expolsions and gun fire, but things are defiately getting better.

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