Friday, May 05, 2006

Tax breaks for the rich

      I was glad to see that that the Rhode Island legislature passed a tax bill that will help the wealthy people of Rhode Island, the people who really need it. It seems to me that there was a bill passed not long ago to reduce taxes on corporate bonuses and profit sharing.A bill that was suppose to draw new corporations to R.I. and perswade corporation to stay, keeping jobs and bringing new job.
     What types of job will they bring? Jobs that require college diploma's? What about us average people? Blue collar workers, we have to feed our families too. Why does our legislature cater to the rich? Do they think that money and jobs will trickle down to the little people? Well this is one of the little people who is getting tired of being trickled on. We don't need these big corporate job. We need job to feed our families and heat our homes. Maybe these wealthy people who get all the tax breaks will open their expensive home this winter and take in some of the people who have been trickled on and can't heat their own home. 

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