Thursday, May 11, 2006

In the news, keep those cards and letters comming

    In the news, President Bush will be spending some time at his ranch in Crawford Texas. It seem he is very depressed over he low ratings in the poles and thinks nobody likes him. Vice President Chenney  called a meeting of the President staff to come up with a solution to the problem and has decided to ask the American people to write letters of surport to the President to raise his spirits. 
   The  Vice President, at a news conference stated, Our President needs you. He is very upset over his ratings in the poles and needs the suport of the American people. The best way to show your surport is to send letters of encouragement. Please send your letters to,  President George Bush, Crawford, Texas. All letters will be kept confidential.
    In other news,  Father Time has decided to take Mother Nature away for the weekend for Mother's Day for a romantic weekend so this weekend there will be no weather and time will stand still.

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