Monday, May 22, 2006

In the news, there's hope

      In the news, Surgeon General announced today that congress has approve a bill that will fund a program to help Americans that are addicted to gasoline. A spokesperson for the Surgeon General stated that if you think you are addicted to gasoline you should call 1 800 I NEED GAS
       The symptoms are : A heavy feeling in right foot while driving
                                     Fear of driving to work with someone else in the car
                                     Starting your car up and leaving it running for a half hour
                                     in your driveway so you don't have to get into a cold car,
                                     even in the summertime.
                                     Passing every car that get in your way because you think
                                     the car in front of you is winning..
    If you have any of the symptoms you should call immediately, 1 800 I NEED GAS.
      In other news, President Bush is feeling much better after a bout with food poisoning. He stated that it must have been something he ate at the dinner for the restaurant owners association at which he gave a speech about the new Iraqi government. 

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