Thursday, June 01, 2006

Who's to blame?

     How many time can you send our soldiers into combat? Some of our people have been sent over three or four time and when something go wrong our government wonder why. Concidering the stress these our people are under I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner.
     Did we learn nothing from Vietnam and the Mia Lie Masacre? Iraq like Vietnan the enemy has no face. It could be any one, man or women and death can come from anywhere with out warnig..The problem with Iraq is our millitary is it's all volunteer, there's no draft to keep the supply of people rotating. In vietnam, soldiers usually had a one year tour of duty and they were rotated out.Our people today have no idea how many time they'll be sent back and if that's not bad enough a large number of them are National Guard who are surpose to be part time.
       Who is to blame for the killing of these Iraqi civilians? The marines who did the actual killing, their comanders or our government. The killing of civilians is never acceptiabe even in war but the comanders of these marines should have seen some signs that these soldiers had a problem. Of corse our government can't be blamed because our president never makes mistakes and  he already declared mission accomplished so I guess the little guys are going to take the blame again, not that the people who pulled the trigger should be punished but the people over them should also be punished. 
      I think it's time to either bring our troops home or start sending some fresh troops over and give our repeat combat troops a break. 

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