Friday, June 02, 2006

In the news, no laughs and national security.

    In the news, After two day of laughter free  comedy programs the American people are tuning in on CSPAN.They actually watching their government at work, which has some Senators and congressmen very nervous.
   Senator Kennedy has offered to act as arbitrator to negotiate a settlement between the net work and the International union of laughers. Senator Kennedy stated that this could become a problem to our national security if people start paying attention to how our government really works.
   When asked, Mr Peter Potts stated that after watching King of Queens, with no laughter, me and the misses decided to watch the government channel for laughs but when we started watching it we saw nothing funny about the way our government works. Hell sometimes their up there giving speeches and no one's in the room to hear it, and the way they spend our money should be a against the law but they make the laws so it probably isn't. I tell you we got to make some changes.

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