Thursday, June 08, 2006

News at 6, can horses talk?

     I got to see this. Channel 10 news is going to have a story about a professor who is doing a study on, If horses could talk what would they say, no kidding. Who pays for these studies and how do you know what a horse would say? Hey pal get off my back. Where's my damn oats? Check the tail on that Philly. I think I'll poop on the floor of my stall so the Moron can clean it up again, he really hates that. Woh, those oats give me gas.
   I'd like to know what a cows says while she's being milked, Oh yea Baby, you know what I like. Hey warm up those hands. I think I'll let him get down on the stool before I poop, he hates that. Your not really going to drink that stuff, that's sick.
   From what they said this guy records the horses when they whinney and tries to figure out if it means anything. Good luck. I guess it beats working for a living. They didn't say who's paying for it. I hope it's not our tax dollars. 

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