Tuesday, June 13, 2006

In the news, Presidential party.

    In the news, According to a reliable source President Bush made a secret trip to Iraq to day. It was so secret he didn't even know he was going. There was suppose to be a meeting at Camp David with the usual crowd, Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Conney Rice.
    It seems things got out of hand after a few after dinner drinks and Conney Rice suggested they drop in on the new Prime Minister of Iraq. Conney said he's a party animal once you get him loaded so the President put a call in and had Air Force One fueled up and off they went, 12 hours later they were knocking on the Prime Ministers door, who answered the door in his under ware. I seem he was caught spreading his own form of democracy in the Middle East.
     According to our source the price tag for this excursion is about 6 million dollars.if you include the bail money paid to the Iraqi police to get Donal Rumsfeld out of jail for public urination.
     The White House had no comment, all though word has it Laura is quite angry with George and he'll be sleeping in the Oval Office for a while.

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