Sunday, July 02, 2006

Would our forefathers celebrate the 4th.

     Well July 4th is only a few days away and I wonder what our forefathers would say about what our country has become.I don't think they intended our country to become the bully of the world, dictating world policies in the name of democracy, human right and freedom.
     Is our form of government so much better that we should force it on other countries. Our country came about when our own people decide they had enough of another country telling us what to do and forcing unjust taxes on us. At least that's what we were taught in school. I'm sure there was other things going on behind the scenes that was lost in history and our forefathers kept it quiet but we'll probably never know.
    The point is if people in other countries want they want to change their form of government it's their choice not ours. We shouldn't condemn them if they don't want democracy, we should try to work with them.
     Another thing our forefather intended was that our country should be made up of united but separate states. This week our government voted down legalizing marijuana for medical purposes even though eleven states made it legal, Rhode Island was one of them. They also banned same sex marriage even though some states allow it. How about taking propriety by eminent domain? I don't think of forefathers intended for that to happen when they wrote the constitution.Does our government have the right to force laws on states if the citizens of those states don't agree with those laws?Do other states have the right to create laws for all states to follow because they control the power in government. Actually it's not the states that make the laws but the political parties which can manipulate the process. In Texas Tom Delay was successful in redistricting the voting districts which give the Republicans a big edge in the upcoming elections. 
     It's gotten to a point that our own government can't decide if the president has broken the law with his phone surveillance program. For over 2 hundred years they've been making new laws and changing old ones. Every time they vote on bills there are um teen amendments added to it and the bill when passed looks nothing like the original bill submitted in the first place.
     I could go on but our countries birthday is Tuesday and I have to get my flags out of the closet to put out side my house, gota get one for the car so people will see how patriotic I am. They should be in good shape, I only use them once a year, like most people.Oh yea, I gota get to the liquor store, maybe I'll get some Sam Adams the patriotic beer.

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