Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Who's behind the scenes?

     Who's behind the scenes? North Korea's developing nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them. Iran has a nuclear program. Does anyone really think these two countries have the capability of developing these high tech programs on their own with out help from another country?
     Everyday on the news we see our soldiers being killed in the middle east by people carring AK47's and roadside bombs. Does anyone really believe that they are not being helped by another country?
     In Africa thousands of Innocent people are killed by people carring AK47's Does anyone really believe that they are not being helped by another country?
    Why are we wasting our time with these countries an not going after the real enemy, the country that is supplying all these weapons and technology.
     You can kill a snake by cutting off its head not by holding it by the tail and hoping it don't bite you. We'll never win the war on terror if we don't stop the flow weapons and technology to these people.
      Why don't we hear any one in our government, or in any other counties government asking these questions? Maybe their afraid of what the answer will be. I don't see our country or even the United Nations confronting China or Russia over this issue but sooner or later it has to be addressed. Hop fully sooner before the snake strikes and million die from one of nuclear weapons. 
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