Wednesday, September 20, 2006


     I just paid $3.69 for a gallon of milk. Can you believe that? That must be some good damn milk. Can't wait to try it. Maybe it's magic milk. Hell if a goose can lay a golden egg a cow should be able to give magic milk. How do people with kids do it? It's almost cheeper to give them beer and they'd sleep a lot better at night. Hell When I was in the navy I had beer and Cheerios's a few time. You know its not that bad, in fact after the first six bowls it's damn good.
     There something wrong when a gallon of milk cost more than a gallon of gas.If they could make gas from grass it would be $1.00 a gallon. Come to think of it a cow does make gas from grass.Don't ever stand in back of one when its being milked. WOOW!!! Too bad we can't bottle it. Moo Gas, utterly fantastic.Makes you car really moove.
      I'd like to know how do you get a cow to give 2% milk or 1%milk. Does anyone really know what percent whole milk is or percent of what? May be we shouldn't know. They say it's the percentage of fat but is it really? Maybe it's some secret ingredient that makes people drive crazy, just look at our high ways. Maybe it make people write Email about things as stupid as milk and go on and on and on. I think I should stay away from milk and go back to beer.It's a lot more fun.    .

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