Thursday, September 07, 2006

Trying to save face

     I''ve been watching some of the Senates debate over Donald Rumfeld. The Democrats want his resignation and the Republicans are standing by Mr Rumsfeld.Maybe it's me but all but a few of these senators voted to give our president the power to go to war and now that we're in a mess, one that could have been predicted even before the first shot was fired Now that election time is around the corner, they are trying to save face and the political games begin.
    Donald Rumsfeld should have resign a long time ago, along with a lot of other people, like the people who's responsibility was to gather intelligences before the war began but it's too late, and the damage has been done. Our credibility in the world has never been so low and our soldiers are caught in the middle of a civil war. Does finger pointing, playing political games help? You know Mr Rumsfeld is not going anywhere and the president has said that we will be in Iraq as long as he is president. What does that tell you? He has no idea how to solve the mess he got us into and his republican supporters are going right along with him.Staying the course is their plan. 
     If your driving off a cliff, staying the course may not be the answer. Stop, and look over the situation and decide if that's the direction you should be going. Maybe changing direction would be a better choice. Pointing fingers does not help the situation, stopping before you get to the edge is a good first step, if you decide staying the course is the thing to do go ahead and drive over the edge.  

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