Monday, September 18, 2006

What's going on?

      What the hell is going on in the world today? The pope make some statement about Moslem's and they get their shorts in a bunch, kill a Nun and fire bomb five churches. HELLO, Islam is a religion not a gang in the hood.Not that there's any thing wrong with gangs in the hood, don't want to piss( Did I say piss, oops) anyone off..Anyways I can't believe any god would condone violence in his or her name, You never know god might be a woman, Anywho, like I said. What's going on? It has to be George Bush's fault. I'd like to listen in on some of the conversations he has with his father. Hello, oh hi dad. I'm sorry,  I know you told me not to start a war with Saddam because it would make a big mess and we'd get stuck in the middle of a civil war. Yea, I know I'll never learn. Next time I promise I'll listen. Is Mommy there? Hi Mommy, Daddy's mad. He yelled at me, again.Thanks Mommy, you always make me feel better.
      Back to what I was talking about, where was I? Oh yea. I just couldn't give up a chance to bust on George, it's so easy.OK, I have to hand it to the Moslem's, they can get thousand of people to march in a protest in no time. It's only been a few day since the pope gave his speech and they've been protesting all over the world. How do they do that? They must have some net work. You could never get that many Christians together with such short notice. Hell, it would interfer with the weekly Bingo night, and the pot luck suppers. Could you image Christians trying to getting a protest going OK, Mary I'll call Mable and Sue, you call Joann and Carol. We'll meet at Dunkin Donuts at 9ish, I have a coupon for a free Latte 
     Well I think I'd better end here, now that I've probably got every Muslim, Christian and brothers in the hood out looking for me. Not to mention the fact that the CIA, FBI  and the secret service are probably checking out my Emails. Where's people's sense of humor today, lighten up. Life's too short to get your shorts in a bunch, I hate it when that happens, over something so foolish.

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