Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good money?

        Yesterday I while taking my walk I happened to look down and it was a bright shinny quarter. I started to bend down to pick it up but then I remembered a statement I heard on CSPAN. One of our elected officials said that it was like throwing good money after bad. Could this bright shinny quarter be bad money? What happens if you pick up bad money. I mean I never went in the store and had the clerk say Sorry Sir I can't except this dollar,  This is BAD MONEY. What if I pick it up and try to use it and the clerk get on the loud speaker and says, CODE GREEN AT REGISTER TWO, CUSTOMER WITH BAD MONEY.
Then again if I leave it there maybe someone will throw some good money after it and there may be even more money there tomorrow.
       As you can see I had quite a problem to deal with. One little voice said go ahead pick it up and the other said NO, leave IT there, it could be bad money. Pick it up? Leave it there. Pick it up? Leave it there. Could I have bad money in my pocket right now? OH MY GOD, WHAT DO I DO? Then it came to me, Pick the damn thing up and finish your walk. It's freezing out here.
       Today my wife and I went to the store and she went up to the register to pay for a few items and she said Bob, do you have a quarter. You bet it do, let her get caught with this bad money. I'll be in the car. SEE YA!! 


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