Monday, March 16, 2009

     Tonight on the news it was reported that the news paper industry was in trouble and that a number of large papers had shut down. Can you imagine no morning paper? No walking out to the end of the driveway in my slippers and jammies on those cold winter mornings, no more waking my wife up when I rustle the paper , nothing to read with my morning coffee and worse of all nothing to read while taking my morning constitional.
     How do you use your lap top while sitting on the john. Why do they call it a john? Anyways where was I? OH YEA, sitting on the john, no I'm not. I was talking about how do you read the news on your lap top while sitting on the john. It just don't seem natural. You know there is an advantage to reading the news paper on the john. Suppose you run out of toilet paper, try wiping you butt with your lap top, OUCH!!!! Where do you put it? You need a table to put it on. Maybe I should invent a kind of shelf that is spring loaded and mounts on the wall behind the toilet. When you need it you just pull it down and put your lap top on it and when you done it just goes back up against the wall. Hey I think I got some thing there. Maybe I'll make my first million.
      I'm getting off track again, Yea, things just won't be the same without the morning paper. The you wives will probably wonder why your husbands are sleeping later. It's probably because your husband won't have to get up early to see your twenty year old neighbor go out in her under ware to get the paper at the end of her drive way then again maybe you wives like to get up early to see your twenty year old neighbor go out in his under ware to get the paper and your husband will wonder why your sleeping late. 
      Well support your local paper. Who knows you might move some day and with no old news papers what will you wrap your china in?


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