Wednesday, February 18, 2009

what the meaning?

       Today I was at the grocery store and I saw this guy with his ball cap turned off to the side. I got wondering what this could mean if his head was a smart meter and with the bill in front where it is suppose to be meaning normal this guy would be one step away from moron with the bill on nine.
        Of course if the position mean the higher the number the bill is on the smarter he is he could be almost a genius. You never know.
         Maybe he was walking down the isle and some one says HEY JOE and he turned around so fast his hat couldn't keep up to his head.
         Then again maybe his mother said, SON, BE HOME AT NINE ,so he put the bill on nine so he wouldn't forget.
         Next time I see him at the store I'm going to sneek up behind him and say HEY,JOE WHAT TIME DID YOU MOTHER TELL YOU TO BE HOME. I should get an answer to my question.  


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