Wednesday, January 21, 2009


       Yesterday Mr Bush escaped and return to Texas where everything will be hunky dory, there are no problems in the land of Oz, Crawford,Texas. No financial problems, no employment problems, he can leave all our problems behind. Unfortunately the problems he will leave behind will be felt for many years by our children and grandchildren.
      What will his legacy be? The first preemptive strike on another country by America, taking our country to war on false information, raising our debt by trillions of dollars and the worse economic crisis since the great depression but look on the bright side there is only one more Bush that an run for president. Jeb.He should be ready for 2012.
       You'll have to excuse me I'm having Bush withdrawal. My favorite president is gone and it's too early to pick on the new one. I mean even George took a few days to screw up, had to take my final shot at George. I'm sure Obama will get his share of criticism and it will be interesting to see how the press handles it. I mean how do you criticize our first black president with out ruffling some feather?
      Anyways so long George, it's been fun. I'll always remember the good times we've had. Good luck Barack, you'll need it. I'll be watching.  


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