Monday, December 15, 2008


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Robert Davis <>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 8:51:57 PM

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Robert Davis <>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2008 8:49:25 PM

         Last Sunday was a nice day so my wife said lets go to  the Christmas Tree Shop to pick up a few things. This is not my favorite place to go especially on a beautiful Sunday afternoon but I figured it would give me a chance to take the old heavy Chevy, my 1970 Impala, out for a cruise so off we went.You'll never guess what happened. We were cruising along at about 65mph and this silver pickup truck pulls up along side of me and guess who was driving it, Santa, red suite, white beard and all. He toots his horn and gives me a big thumbs up then off he went. My wife says he was just trying to tell me that I finally made it on his good list after 61 years but I figured he just liked my car.
        Anyways we got to the Christmas Tree Shop and I could tell right away thing hadn't changed when he sent of potpourri hit me then it all came back. All the women running around with carriages full of stuff that could only be sold at Christmas time when Christmas music brings on the what to buy uncle Oscar, who you haven't seen all year might show up for his tin of sugar cookies, panic.
       Ya, all the men are aimlessly cruising the isles with the blank look on their faces trying to find just one thing that might catch their interest but I know, being a veteran with many campaigns under my belt that it's just not going to happen. I think their purchasing agent must have been the wicked queen of the west in a previous life and hates men because there's not a damn thing in the whole store that any guy in his right mind would even want to look at and the fact that his wife is blowing their hard earned money on this stuff is driving him crazy. 
       Well , all in all things went pretty well. My wife got gifts for those relatives and stranger who show up once a year and the old heavy Chevy got a good work out and best of all we got to see Santa so it wasn't total loss. I hope my wife was right and I did make on his good list his year although with the price of oil ,coal may not be a bad gift after all.


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