Wednesday, October 29, 2008


      Well only one week till the big day. Can you feel the excitement building? Me neither. The whole electorial system has gone down the toilet. I guess some people are excited about getting rid of George Bush but look what we have to choose from. A slick talker who has spend 600 million dollars on his campaign and an old so called war hero with a soccer mom for his choice for VP. Kind of make me wonder first of all who is contributing all this cash to Obama. Second why did McCain pick Palin? Seems like he knew he couldn't win.
       An then of corse there's those Damn polls we hear every day, all day. The Damn things should be outlawed. Why even vote? Why not just let CNN take a poll Tuesday and announce a winner and save every one a trip. Who wants to go stand in those long lines any ways.
      What ever happened to the good old days before big money, before polls, when people had to make up their own minds. You know when people would huddle around the old black and white tv set and listen to the debates and discuss with familly and friends about what was said. Sure sometime it ended up in an argument but that was all part of the election process.People would stay up late just to see who won.This was a time when a vote really ment some thing. Today people would rather watch some crappy television program before watching the debates and some don't bother to vote at all because it's cold an they don't want to stand in line and they'll learn who won on the morning news. Yea, the good old days are gone but I guess that the price we have to pay when we let big money big money take over our electorial process. THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT!!!!! 
                                                             DAT'S ALL FOLKS!!! 


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