Saturday, September 13, 2008

Job application

        How stupid are we or how stupid do they think we are is a better question. I don't know about you but I am getting tired of both political parties insulting my intelligence with their attempts to draw our attention attention away from the real issues with ridiculous things like Obama's statement about putting lipstick on a pig. Why would anyone think he was talking about Governor Palin? I would think it was more of an insult to the pigs of America.
        Both candidates got up at their conventions and promised us every thing from health care to wining the war on terror, the old apple pie in the sky speeches that we've been listening to for years but they never tell us how they will fulfill these promises. The one  thing these candidates are afraid of is a direct question. When asked they talk at length all around the question but never actually answer the question but they think we are stupid enough to think they did. Maybe what we need is a questioneer they have to fill out and answer these direct questions in writing and then put their name on it and be held accountable. You know an application for the job of president of the United States where they can list their qualifications. 


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