Friday, August 08, 2008

Engeering Genius

        Engineering genius, I'd like to know who the engineering genius was that design the highway with the service areas in the middle. One our recent trip to North Carolina I had the pleasure of visiting one of these areas on the Jersey Turnpike. It was quite a thrill getting over from the right lane to the high speed lane to enter this oasis but not quite as thrilling as when I left and had to enter the high speed lane filled with suicidal nut jobs doing ninety miles an hour who would run into you before giving you a break. Sure they give you about a quarter mile to get up to at last seventy mile an hour but then you have to try to time your entry to an opening in the trafic. If you don't get an opening there's no turning back, don't even look in the mirror, just say a prayer and go for it and hope the big guy is listening.
       If I didn't know better I would think it was the same guy who designed some of Rhode Islands highways, like around Providence 146, 95, 195 and the spegetti ramps by the Providence Place Mall but I bet they went to the same school. 


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