Friday, September 19, 2008

Look who crying now

         Well look who crying for the government to step in an fix the financial problems. You got it, the same people who want government to stay out of their business. they don't want government setting regulations on how they can run their business but now the greedy bastards want trillions of dollars to straighten out the mess they created and who going to pay? That's right the same people that pay 20% interest on their credit cards. The same people who's home are in forclouser, that's who.
        While people are loosing their homes the CEO's of these companies are getting millions. Where's the justice? I guess it's the good old American way, the rich get rich and the poor get poorer.
       I am so tired of hearing these presidential candidates putting out the same old crap that we get every election like we're a bunch of MORON BOBBLE HEAD DOLLS, shaking our head believing everything they say and then they play the who said what like don't pick on Palin because she's a woman with her thanks but no thanks to the bridge to nowhere but we'll keep the money-anyways game, which is what it really is. A game to get people so disgusted in the whole election process that they won't vote which makes it easier for them to elected. 
      When are we the people of the United State going to tell these politicians We're not as dumb as you think we are, then maybe again we are cause we keep electing these same people who think we're as dumb as a rock. Of course if you ask anyone after the election nobody voted for the guy or they won't admit to it cause they don't want people to think their as dumb as the politicians think they are.


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