Monday, September 22, 2008


        Plan makes it worse. was the title of my letter to the editor on May 6Th so I wasn't surprised to see the article in this mornings Journal, Sept 22nd, in fact I kind of expected it, about the states pension system Looking at ways to stop costs from soaring. In my letter I stated where's the savings, forcing state workers into retirement? The governor was just shifting the burden.
       Did the Governor realize that a reduction in the work force of  3500, which was expected by changing the requirements to retire and layoffs, would mean a reduction of $750,000 a month to the pension system if each paid only a hundred dollars bi weekly.    
       Was this part of the governors plan to force a change to the retirement system? Was reducing the state work force part of his plan to privatize? I think so but who suffers? Everyone, from the guy who waits in line at the registry for hours because they are short handed to the patients at the state hospitals.Congratulations Governor, your plan is working. 


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