Sunday, September 28, 2008

Who won?

        Well the first presidential debate is history and now the question is WHO WON? If you ask me it was like watching Dancing With The Stars. There was a lot of fancy foot work going on. Both candidates showed their expertise on doing the Hustle and the Minute Waltz when questioned about the bail out.
       On foreign policy the candidates resorted to the Obama Mambo and the MC Cain Two Step.Step 1, Obama was accused of not admitting the surge was working and Obama stating the war was wrong from the beginning.Step 2, McCain stated that Obama was willing to sit down and talk with terrorist supporting countries like Iran and Obama stated that not talking to these countries hasn't worked for the last 8 years and that terrorist groups have gotten stronger.
     In the end neither candidate said anything new and when it came to doing the Jerk I'd say it was a tie.


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