Sunday, October 05, 2008

Sunday morning gripes.

       Well here it is Sunday morning and all the experts are on TV talking about the VP debate and the polls about who won, who's ahead and who said what and I don't know about you but I not looking forward to the next month.
      There's some things that bug me more than others though like Palin calling the men in the middle class JOE SIX PACK. I take offense to being compared to some guy sitting in a recliner drinking beer, my beer belly hanging out from under my tee shirt watching the football game while my wife drives the kids to hockey practice. Besides hockey is one of the most expensive sports and time demanding sports your kids can be involved in. Thank God my kids weren't interested in it. I can't speak for the women of America but I'd take offense if I were a hockey mom, being compared to a pit bull wearing lip stick. May be it's more offensive to the pit bulls of America, being compared to an out of control mother screaming at the ref. during a kids hockey game. 
      An other thing that bothers me in this election is not one candidate has used the words POOR PEOPLE, like their votes don't count. If I were looking for votes I'd be going after the poor for votes cause there's a lot more poor people today thanks to the financial melt down.
     Now on the polls that the media keep reporting on, in my opinion they should be outlawed.  Take for example, there was one on this morning where they were stating which states each candidate is wining in when added up they say Obama has just about got it sewed up. What purpose does this serve aside from influencing how people vote. You know they can make the polls go one way or the other depending on who the question while taking the poll.
   Here's my biggest gripe. These candidates start promising, lieing,from day one of their campaign talking to the American people like we are a bunch of morons. I know most TV commericals are geared to people with the mentality of a ten year old but when it come to running for the highest office in our country I think they should at least show us some respect and talk to us like we have a brain because those of us that do know they are feeding us a bunch of crap that we've been hearing in every campaign as long as we can remember. 
   Well I feel much better now. I guess I should end here and go watch TV, the kids channel. Where I can get aggravated again about some of the things that our kids are watching.Take a look some day, you won't believe it.   


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